On average, people spend 90% of their time
indoors. At Tarkett, we strive to contribute to
people’s health and wellbeing by improving
indoor air quality.

AirMaster® is 4 times more effective in
capturing and retaining fine dust than
standard carpet solutions

It is 8 times more effective than
smooth flooring solutions

How does it work?

> Very fine dust is captured and retained in the fine yarns of the DESSO AirFilters TM
> Coarser fine dust is captured in the thicker yarns of the DESSO DustCollectors TM
> The unique structure of DESSO AirMaster® prevents the dust from becoming airborne again.
DESSO AirMaster® is the first product in the world to be awarded the GUI Gold Plus label, the highest possible accreditation awarded by Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Innenraumanalytik (GUI), Germany’s leading independent air quality testing organization.

Laboratory test
The GUI Gold label has been awarded based on
the average of 15 repeated tests. DESSO AirMaster®
proved to be up to 20 times more effective in capturing
and retaining fine dust than smooth flooring solutions.

Easy to clean
During vacuum cleaning, more than 80% of
the captured dust is released by DESSO AirMaster®,
which is a 16% improvement over standard carpets.

Understanding particulate matter
Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of up 10μm – these can cause health problems
because they are typically small enough to pass through the throat and enter the lungs.
Fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 μm – these can produce
harmful effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular system.

DESSO AirMaster® contains 100% regenerated ECONYL® nylon yarn,
made from recovered waste materials such as end-of-life carpet yarn
and discarded fishing nets.
DESSO EcoBase is 100% recyclable in our own production process
and contains a minimum of 75% recycled chalk from the local drinking
water industry.11 In 2015, the DESSO EcoBase backing achieved Cradle
to Cradle® Gold level certification and reached the Platinum level for Material Health.
Mix and Match
Create Your Own AirMaster®
9 Collections with 70 products to choose
Functional and aesthetic design